Kara Swisher

Recent Posts by Kara Swisher

Digital Daily's John Paczkowski Live-Blogs Using the iPhone and Survives

Our Digital Daily’s John Paczkowski live-blogged the Apple event yesterday, where much was announced, including the fact that we all paid too much for the iPhone when we rushed out to buy it earlier this summer.

Going forward, John will be doing a lot of live-blogging at various tech events, with the wit and sass he is so well known for.

Here’s an interview with him about the Apple live blogging, with John explaining how he did the whole thing using an iPhone after Steve Jobs’s minions apparently nixed laptop use.

John obeyed, although others did not, and managed to bang out his post on that annoying keyboard:

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I’m a giant vat of creative juices.

— David Pogue on why he’s joining Yahoo