Kara Swisher

Recent Posts by Kara Swisher

Misty Water-Colored Memories: "Here Comes Another Bubble" Redux

Was “Here Comes Another Bubble” psychic or what?

The current tough economic situation and the deflation of the Web 2.0 bubble were certainly perfectly predicted by the huge hit online video, which was sung to the tune of Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” by the San Francisco-based Richter Scales.

It was a little less than a year ago that “Bubble” became a viral phenom, attracting even more attention for being taken off of YouTube due to its use of a photo in the video it did not have the rights to.

In any case, it is most definitely worth another look with meltdown eyes:

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Just as the atom bomb was the weapon that was supposed to render war obsolete, the Internet seems like capitalism’s ultimate feat of self-destructive genius, an economic doomsday device rendering it impossible for anyone to ever make a profit off anything again. It’s especially hopeless for those whose work is easily digitized and accessed free of charge.

— Author Tim Kreider on not getting paid for one’s work