Peter Kafka

Recent Posts by Peter Kafka

The Sirius Story in Two Sentences

Today’s New York Times profiles Mel Karmazin, Howard Stern and Sirius XM (SIRI), the troubled company that binds both of them together. It’s a nice read, but there’s no news there for anyone who has been watching the company over time (if you want an archive of excellent Sirius coverage, check out Digital Daily).

And if you’re time-pressed (it’s 64 degrees in New York City this morning–perhaps you’d like to get outside), there’s no reason to tackle the entire feature story. Because reporter Tim Arango has done a nice job of summarizing his 2,427-word piece in two sentences:

But Sirius XM does have a serious flaw in its capital structure. Its costs, which include servicing its pile of debt, appear to be too high to make the business viable.”

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There was a worry before I started this that I was going to burn every bridge I had. But I realize now that there are some bridges that are worth burning.

— Valleywag editor Sam Biddle