Kara Swisher

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Viral Video: The Conan Debacle's Final Score (Game Goes to Letterman!)

The snake finally ate its own tail in the long-running NBC debacle over the network’s mishandling of its late-night switcheroo, with a Super Bowl promotion for David Letterman’s “Late Show” on CBS (CBS) last night.

It starred Letterman, daytime talk show queen Oprah Winfrey and–big reveal–Jay Leno.

The bit was perhaps what will be the final joke in the humor-heavy mess around the cloddish game of musical chairs perpetrated by NBC management on the Viacom (VIA) television network’s late-night stars.

In the end, “Tonight Show” host Conan O’Brien was out, replaced by former “Tonight Show” host Leno, who had previously been replaced by O’Brien and whose own attempt at a show earlier in the evening bombed.

Of all the players, “Late Show” host Letterman has actually gotten the most mileage from the imbroglio, taking an endless number of dead-on shots at Leno, all of which portrayed him as the villain, including a high-pitched impression of him.

That mockery was on display in the short promo below, with the trio on a couch for what Letterman called the “worst Super Bowl party ever.”

It wasn’t.

Enjoy the video, as well as the 2007 promo it was based on with just Letterman and Winfrey.

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