Kara Swisher

Recent Posts by Kara Swisher

Viral Video: Here Come the Facebook Movie Spoofs!

It was inevitable, I suppose, that the highly stylized trailers for the upcoming movie “The Social Network” would be ripe for mocking.

The full trailer from Sony (SNE) film unit Columbia Pictures, released last week, uses a creepy Vega Choir version of the Radiohead song “Creep,” and has all kinds of dramatic flourishes–making it perfect for spoofs.

Here are three, from: 1938 Media (in which co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is played by a 2×4 piece of wood); from Australian comic Dan Ilic; and one that’s not exactly a trailer, but is the interview Walt Mossberg and I did at the eighth D: All Things Digital conference with Zuckerberg set to “Creep” (it oddly enough works).

The first full trailer is at the bottom for comparison.


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