Lauren Goode

Recent Posts by Lauren Goode

Photo-Filter Hounds, Rejoice! Instagram Is Coming to Android.

Instagram, the popular mobile photo-sharing app that has racked up around 14 million followers in the year since it launched, has always been an iPhone-only app — until now. CNET, The Verge and other outlets report that Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom confirmed yesterday, at the LeWeb conference in Paris, that he has dedicated staff working on an app for the Google Android mobile platform. He didn’t say exactly when the app would hit the Android Market, but said that he’s “excited to see our numbers today nearly double” when it does.

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Just as the atom bomb was the weapon that was supposed to render war obsolete, the Internet seems like capitalism’s ultimate feat of self-destructive genius, an economic doomsday device rendering it impossible for anyone to ever make a profit off anything again. It’s especially hopeless for those whose work is easily digitized and accessed free of charge.

— Author Tim Kreider on not getting paid for one’s work