Ina Fried

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Verizon and Apple Issue Fix for iPhone 5 Cellular Data Bug

Verizon said Monday that Apple had developed a fix for an issue that could lead iPhone 5s on its network to use cellular data even when connected to Wi-Fi.

“Under certain circumstances, iPhone 5 may use Verizon cellular data while the phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network,” Verizon Wireless spokesperson Torod Neptune said in a statement. “Apple has a fix that is being delivered to Verizon customers right on their iPhone 5.”

Although Verizon and Apple are confirming the software update, it isn’t the easiest to find, especially since most users probably don’t know they are being affected.

To get the fix, customers have to go to the Settings app on their iPhone, tap “general” and then “about.” Doing so should bring up a prompt letting users know that a settings update is available. That is the fix.

To install it, customers need to then tap OK, shut off their phone and restart it. If all goes well, the same settings menu should then show Verizon 13.1 as the version.

Verizon said that “customers will not be charged for any unwarranted cellular data usage.”

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Nobody was excited about paying top dollar for a movie about WikiLeaks. A film about the origins of would have done better.

— Gitesh Pandya of comments on the dreadful opening weekend box office numbers for “The Fifth Estate.”