Mike Isaac

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StumbleUpon Launches on Windows 8

Social discovery site StumbleUpon announced a Windows 8 application on Thursday, one of a number of early Microsoft partners to launch with the revamped operating system. Among other features, users can jump from site to site from within the “Metro-style” tiles that make up the new Windows interface. In line with the company’s latest initiative to ramp up social, the StumbleUpon app increases the focus on sharing content with other friends through the Windows 8 “Charm” interface.

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I think the NSA has a job to do and we need the NSA. But as (physicist) Robert Oppenheimer said, “When you see something that is technically sweet, you go ahead and do it and argue about what to do about it only after you’ve had your technical success. That is the way it was with the atomic bomb.”

— Phil Zimmerman, PGP inventor and Silent Circle co-founder, in an interview with Om Malik