Liz Gannes

Recent Posts by Liz Gannes

Six Years Later, “Noah K. Everyday” Gets a Sequel

One of the original viral videos, “Noah K. Everyday,” is back.

Fittingly, it’s more of the same. Photographer Noah Kalina today released a version that includes 12.5 years of his daily self-portraits stitched together.

The original video, “Noah takes a photo of himself every day for 6 years,” which was released in 2006, has more than 23 million views on YouTube.

As with the last video, it’s a mind-bender to watch time pass so slowly and so quickly at the same time. I had fun scrubbing back and forth to find the precise moment when Kalina begins growing out an enormous beard.

Why 12.5 years? “It is almost exactly six years since the release of the first one and the timing felt right,” Kalina explained in an email today.

Kalina — who, by the way, was Mark Zuckerberg’s wedding photographer — said the new piece will be included in a School of Visual Arts alumni show, which opens Thursday.

For further watching, the original:

“Homer Every Day,” a parody by The Simpsons:

Homer Every Day from Noah K. on Vimeo.

And another cool human time-lapse, this one with a bit more plot, which I found posted in the comments of Kalina’s new video:

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The problem with the Billionaire Savior phase of the newspaper collapse has always been that billionaires don’t tend to like the kind of authority-questioning journalism that upsets the status quo.

— Ryan Chittum, writing in the Columbia Journalism Review about the promise of Pierre Omidyar’s new media venture with Glenn Greenwald