The People Who Bring You “Mad Men” and “Breaking Bad” Bet on YouTube Channel About … Dance?

One of the the first “funded” channels gets new backers.

More D11 Speakers: Meet the Managers of Bieber (Braun), Gaga (Carter) and Madonna (Oseary)

They make the songs that make the whole world tweet.

Robert Downey Jr. Reports for Duty to Help Activision Sell More Black Ops II (Video)

Guess who brought a jet to a gunfight? Downey did!

YouTube, Which Wants More TV Dollars, Pays Up for More “Channels”

YouTube pours more money into the experiment it launched a year ago, by inking deals with another 60-plus Web programmers, many of them in Europe. Some of them you’ve heard of.

Stunning News: Music Industry Acts Rationally

The world’s biggest music label signs one of the biggest stars in the world, for a song. But the Madonna/Univeral deal still makes sense for both sides.

YouTube and Hollywood Finally Link Up: Here Come the Channels

Google announces deals with “Modern Family” star Sofia Vergara and a bunch of other famous people to make stuff for the site. Next up: Signing on advertisers.

Hello, American Pie! Why a 40-Year-Old Song Became This Weekend’s Viral Video

Because it’s fun, because it’s a long weekend, and because the people of Grand Rapids, Michigan, have an axe to grind.

Lady Gaga Sells Lots of Cheap Music–And Full-Priced Music, Too

Amazon’s melted servers still sold lots of 99-cent “Born This Way” albums this week–and iTunes sold a lot of full-priced ones, too. Also, weird but true: People are still buying compact discs!

Read All About It! But Don't Watch–The Grammys Tune Out Online

The Grammys generated a flurry of online interest last night, but the music industry’s biggest event of the year is AWOL this morning. Opportunity wasted.

MicroHoo: Talk Amongst Yourselves…