Liz Gannes

Recent Posts by Liz Gannes

Meteor Open Source Project Gets $11.2M Led by Andreessen Horowitz

App developers are eagerly anticipating Meteor, an open source framework that promises to help them quickly build rich and responsive applications using JavaScript.

Now, Meteor Development Group, the small team behind the framework, has gotten $11.2 million in Series A funding led by Andreessen Horowitz and including Matrix Partners.

Meteor helps move much of the guts of Web applications onto users’ phones and computers, rather than their usual place on outside servers. Obviously, it will still be important for apps to connect to the Internet to send and receive data, but the idea is to get them as close as possible to the user, so they can be faster and more responsive.

The project has been one of the most watched on developer hangout GitHub, itself another developer favorite that Andreessen Horowitz just backed.

Actually, it’s the same AH partner in both: Peter Levine, the former CEO of XenSource.

Meteor doesn’t have a full release date yet, but it continues to be developed in public, with authentication being one of the latest projects.

To make money, the team plans to sell complementary tools to large companies that use Meteor.

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Another gadget you don’t really need. Will not work once you get it home. New model out in 4 weeks. Battery life is too short to be of any use.

— From the fact sheet for a fake product entitled Useless Plasticbox 1.2 (an actual empty plastic box) placed in L.A.-area Best Buy stores by an artist called Plastic Jesus