AT&T's Glenn Lurie Addresses Dropped Calls, iPhone Exclusives and More (Video)

Glenn Lurie

AT&T President of Emerging Devices Glenn Lurie is focused on connecting the next flurry of devices, from the iPad to obscure medical devices, like a pill bottle that can report back whether your grandmother has taken her medication.

Not too long ago, Lurie was better known for being the go-between for AT&T and Apple leading up to the historic launch of the original iPhone.

Here are the video highlights of his interview from D: Dive Into Mobile, which centered on the most difficult questions any AT&T executive has to answer: How is it dealing with dropped calls? And what will happen to AT&T once its iPhone exclusive expires?

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Someone screwed up how computers work, and I blame it on Bill Gates. I had one typewriter in 50 years. But I’ve bought seven computers in six years. I suppose that’s why Bill Gates is rich and Underwood is out of business.

— Andy Rooney