Liz Gannes

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Viral Video: 2010 As Told Through Google Products

For 2010, Google dressed up its annual Zeitgeist list of fastest-rising search terms with nifty HTML5 data visualizations and a music video that sums up the year while simultaneously demonstrating uses of all sorts of Google products, including new ones like Google Instant search, voice dialing in Gmail and YouTube Leanback:

Google says its single fastest-rising search term of the year was “Chatroulette,” which peaked way back in March. However, it appears from the explainer page that Google may have included searches for the generic term “chat” in the category.

Also on the fastest-rising list (as compared with 2009’s) were the iPad; pop stars Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry; the social sites Twitter and Facebook; the ringtone site Myxer; and the game sites Friv (extremely popular in Albania and Colombia) and GameZer (big in the Middle East). Less popular this year were swine flu, New Moon and Myspace Layouts.

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There’s a lot of attention and PR around Marissa, but their product lineup just kind of blows.

— Om Malik on Bloomberg TV, talking about Yahoo, the September issue of Vogue Magazine, and our overdependence on Google