Liz Gannes

Recent Posts by Liz Gannes

Apple’s “Find My Friends” Location Feature Is More Like Glympse Than Foursquare

A new Apple iOS app called “Find My Friends” will allow users to temporarily share their locations on a map with specific users for a specified period.

Set to launch with iCloud on Oct. 12, the app is different from check-in style services like Foursquare, and most similar to Glympse, the start-up that recently raised $7.5 million. It’s also akin to the original Google Latitude, which offered continuous location sharing intended for close friends and family to track each other (but then later added check-ins).

Apple’s Eddy Cue said the app would include simple privacy controls and parental restrictions.

It wasn’t clear to us whether “Find My Friends” is only for iPhones or will be available on all iOS devices, but it’s one of those two.

“Find My Friends” had first been revealed through code in an iOS developer build in January.


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— Valleywag editor Sam Biddle