The Buzziest Social Network, According to Hip-Hop

Hip-hop, hooray!


The Big Email Opportunity

The decades-old enterprise email model to which users are so firmly wedded is cracking.

New iOS App Memoir Jogs Your Memory With Old Photos

Memoir doesn’t just show you food photos and baby pictures in a news feed. It reminds you where you were in photos from the past.

Neighborhood Social App Nextdoor Launches on Android

The local-focused app widens its mobile footprint.
Nextdoor Android

TheQ Takes a Shot at Making Connected Cameras Cool

Can an unknown company make the connected point-and-shoot camera a must-have accessory to carry alongside your smartphone?

Beyond the Resume: Two Web Services to Help Promote Your Work and Zerply can help job seekers create an online profile that highlights their work, not just work experience.


BuzzFeed, CNN and YouTube Plan Online-Video Channel

BuzzFeed is accelerating its efforts to become a news destination for young adults, joining with CNN and YouTube to create a new, online-video channel.

The Kids Love Twitter; Facebook, Not So Much

Teens want a drama-free social network. Twitter looks to be that network.


Neighborhoods Crackle With Online Chatter

San Francisco’s Potrero Hill district is buzzing with online chatter, with residents promoting block parties and school fundraisers, issuing crime warnings and engaging in general neighborhood banter.


Google Glass Will Disrupt Social Media With Too Much Data

When there is too much information, aggregators and hosts look for ways of slowing down the stream.

Weighing In on Wi-Fi Scales

Path Builds a Proper iPad App